I saw this on an episode of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, and thought it sounded amazing. Since there was no chance I was going to Vermont to Butch & Babe’s, the challenge was set forth to create it at home. The result was something savory, sweet, cheesy, and crunchy. While it will never replace straight buttermilk pancakes, it is definitely something worth having.


·         2 c. flour

·         3 T. sugar

·         1 t. baking powder

·         1 t. baking soda

·         1/2 t. kosher salt

·         1 egg

·         2 c. buttermilk

·         2 T butter, melted, cooled

·         1 1/2 t. vanilla extract

·         Cooked elbow macaroni

·         Shredded cheddar cheese


1.       In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients.

2.       In a smaller bowl, whisk together the egg, buttermilk, butter, and vanilla extract.

3.       Using a spatula or wooden spoon, mix together the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, stirring until everything comes together.

4.       Rest for 15 minutes.

5.       Heat a griddle to 350 degrees.

6.       Once the griddle is hot, use a 1/4 cup measuring cup to ladle out the batter onto the surface.

7.       Place a handful or so of macaroni on the top of the pancake. Add a handful of shredded cheese on top of that.

8.       After about 1-2 minutes, flip the pancakes, macaroni and cheese side down, and cook for an additional 1-2 minutes.

9.       Serve with syrup (and a touch of hot sauce if you like).

10.   Enjoy!


If you just want really good buttermilk pancakes, skip the mac and cheese. But don’t shortchange yourself into trying something different and delicious. The crispy cheese on top is such a winner. Try different types of cheese to see what works best for your tastebuds.