This is a very short story about this recipe. When I was working in TV in Ohio, I made this for a reporter who was my roommate. She had to work late, so I took it to her in the newsroom. She later told me how everyone wanted to know where she got it. I got a lot of questions about cooking the next day.


·         4 T. butter

·         1 Granny Smith apple, cored, cut into 8 pieces

·         1 jalapeno, diced (remove the ribs and seeds before dicing if you don’t want heat)

·         1# sea scallops (about 10-12)

·         Kosher salt and pepper

·         Prepared rice for 2 servings (optional)


1.       In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the butter.

2.       Add the apple slices and cook for 5 minutes. Flip and cook for an additional 2 minutes.

3.       Add the diced jalapeno and cook for 3 minutes.

4.       Remove the cooked apple slices to a plate.

5.       Season the scallops on one side with salt and pepper.

6.       Place the seasoned side down in the skillet. Cook for 90 seconds.

7.       Season the other side and flip. Cook for an additional 90 seconds.

8.       Place a serving of the cooked rice on a place. Arrange the apple slices on the rice, then add the cooked scallops.

9.       Spoon the butter and jalapeno sauce over the entire dish.

10.   Enjoy.


The rice is optional. The photo shows it without, but the sauce can flavor the rice and make a more filling dish. The quick cooking method of the scallops will put a nice char on the top and bottom while finishing off the middle without making them rubbery. That happens with overcooking and is not tasty.