No matter how you create them, tacos are awesome. Hard shell, soft shell, different cheeses, different ways to prepare the inside, and the topping choices! I’ve explored different ones on this site in the past, but another one that always is a winner is chorizo tacos. Whether you make your own chorizo or use quality store-bought chorizo, tacos are never that far away.


·         1 T. olive oil

·         1 lb. chorizo, store bought or homemade (homemade will have less fat), remove the casing

·         1/2 yellow or white onion, diced

·         6 flour tortillas or 12 corn tortillas

·         Cheese of your choice

·         Pico de gallo

·         Hot sauce

·         Anything else you want as toppings


1.       In a medium skillet over medium heat, warm the oil.

2.       Crumble the chorizo into the pan and cook for 6-8 minutes.

3.       Toss in the diced onions, stir, and cook for another 2 minutes – just long enough for the onions to absorb the chorizo oils.

4.       While the chorizo is cooking, warm the taco shells. Use one per serving if using flour; two per serving is using corn.

5.       After the meat filling is done, fill up the shells and add your favorite toppings.

6.       Enjoy.


If you want to get a little crazy and you are using the corn tortilla, put some cheese between the two corn tortillas and warm them up until the cheese melts. Flip over during cooking. If you want some crunch, you’ll need to add a bit of oil to the pan or use the chorizo oil for a flavor bump.