Large cuts of meat, smoked over a grill, are about as tribal as it gets. However, there are inevitably leftovers and the eternal quandary of what to do with said leftovers. Breakfast as dinner emerges as a candidate, and hash is always welcome. Using a smoked corned beef brisket adds another level of complexity and flavor, but regular corned beef brisket will do just fine.


·         2 T. olive oil

·         8 oz. corned beef brisket, small dice, smoked if you have it

·         16 oz. russet potatoes, shredded, drained, squeezed

·         1 yellow onion, diced

·         1 green pepper, diced

·         Kosher salt

·         Freshly ground pepper

·         2 T. butter

·         4 eggs

·         Shredded cheddar cheese (optional)


1.       Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat until shimmering.

2.       Add the brisket and cook for about 3 minutes.

3.       Stir in the potatoes, onion, and pepper until well combined. Do not disturb for about 5 minutes.

4.       Flip the mixture and cook for another five minutes. Repeat until the potatoes are crispy and brown. Use salt and pepper to taste along the way.

5.       In a separate skillet, melt the butter and cook the eggs to your desired finish.

6.       TOTALLY OPTIONAL: Some people like cheese on their hash. After the final flip, turn off the heat, spread the cheddar cheese on top of the potatoes, and cover for 1 minute or until the cheese has melted.

7.       Serve the hash hot with the egg on top.

8.       Enjoy.


Can you change out the meat? Yep. Smoked turkey or sausage does really well. If you use a lean meat, you may need to add a bit more oil. Other spices than just salt and pepper also go well. I’ve added sliced jalapenos to the potato mix for a bit more heat.