Moving to the Pacific Northwest has opened new and fresh flavor combinations. Smoked salmon is available everywhere from amazing local shops. We found some from a vendor at a market near Tukwila, Washington, and while delicious on its own, I wanted to enhance a familiar recipe with that smokey flavor.


·         2 T. butter

·         6 eggs

·         2 T. milk

·         1/4 t. basil, dried

·         1/2 t. chives, dried

·         1/4 t. oregano, dried

·         1/4 t. Kosher salt

·         1/2 t. freshly ground black pepper

·         5-6 oz. smoked salmon, baked, flaked

·         2 oz. Swiss cheese, cut into thin strips


1.       In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium heat.

2.       In a large mixing bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, basil, chives, oregano, salt, and pepper until well mixed.

3.       Pour the egg mixture into the hot skillet, and scramble the eggs to your liking.

4.       When the eggs are close to being done, add the salmon and cheese. Stir together and cook until the cheese begins to melt.

5.       Spoon onto plate.

6.       Enjoy!


Don’t like Swiss cheese? Use another soft cheese. These are also great tucked into a warm tortilla for breakfast tacos. The flavor improves if you find a really great source for your smoked salmon. Quality ingredients are always key.